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  During the dinner party, I interviewed three experts which come from different countries. Instead, they hold the similar viewpoints that the prospect of music education is cheerful. The following are the interviews.




  During the dinner party, I interviewed three experts which come from different countries. Instead, they hold the similar viewpoints that the prospect of music education is cheerful. The following are the interviews.




  Interview 1
  Kelsi: Good evening! After four days of the presentations and the discussions we have, what's the mainest characteristic of all the papers as a whole?
  Prof. Christopher Johnson: This year, on the whole, more people come here and attend the conference, and it is the first time for some of them, which are different regions. And besides, the scope of research is even wider.
  Kelsi: Do you think that these tentative plans will finally carry out?
  Christopher: Yes, of course. Why not? All these researches are based on survey data.
  Kelsi: I know, I mean, in the near future, or years later?
  Christopher: In the near future, I think. We will practice and perfect our program constantly. Moreover, we have the chance to communicate. We have ISME. It doesn't mean one is better than the other. We just gather here to know more about each other, learn from each other. We all have problems, and that is the effective way to solve them by communication.
  Kelsi: Thank you.

  Interview 2
  于 洋:梁老师您好!您来自中国香港,我看了您的文章,主要关于由粤剧引发的音乐教学思考。粤剧作为中国民族文化博大精深的体现之一,在香港的教学发展并不理想。对此,您认为,目前中国民族音乐教育、研究领域存在哪些欠缺吗?
  于 洋:您今天上午也提到过,中国的音乐教育发展现状并不理想,那您是怎样看待中国音乐教育的的发展前景的?
  梁宝华:我觉得会越来越好,今年就是一个起步,已经有很多老师、教育家知道有这样一个国际会议,这是个很好的开端。希望将来我们会团结起来,更多地参与这样的国际盛会。同时,要提升我们研究的水平,多向国外的杂志投稿,发表我们国内研究的内容和成果。我们都希望能看到中国与外国在音乐教育有那些不同。当我今天讲粤剧的时候,他们都很有兴趣,因为他们也有他们的问题,那就是他们也要教他们本 国的传统音乐,比如葡萄牙有位学者就是呼吁教他们本国的传统音乐,这跟我们很相似。
  于 洋:您刚刚说过,希望政府积极鼓励、引导,教师应多研究,多参与交流。那么对于我们这些在校的学生,您有什么建议吗?
  于 洋:对,昨天的会议讨论也提及过,由于语言的屏障,国际讯息不够迅捷,希望提过一个国际网络信息平台,供各国学者去交流。
  于 洋:好的,谢谢老师!

  Interview 3
  Kelsi: Good evening! Comparing with before, personally, what's the mainest characteristic of all the papers this year?
  Prof. Graham Welch: It's good. The quality is very good. We have got, I think, it's 10 new speakers. So nearly half of people presenting this week, are presenting for the first time. So it's a very new experience. And already you have an idea that at the end of this wonderful week, we have already got a sense of community, being a group. But this research community also includes all of the people here in Changchun. So we have been amazingly impressed by the students, teachers, by how kind you are, by how polite, how helpful. So it's not just been a small group of researchers, at the end of this week, we are a much bigger group, which is what we always hoped happen.
  Kelsi: We are a family.
  Graham: Yeah, absolutely yes. Now we have the Changchun based family which is fantastic. We have a wonderful week.
  Kelsi: We wish you enjoy this trip. And what do you think of the future of music education?
  Graham: Here?
  Kelsi: The research.
  Graham: Research is a journey. It never get the end of it. The more that you research, the more that you discover. And sharing make the journey easier.
  Kelsi: Then what's the main barrier of research?
  Graham: The main barrier is that you think you have the answer. If you think so, you probably wrong. Because you only have a part of answer. But you cannot know everything. But it's possible for us. If we co-work together, then we can begin each of us have a part of the answer, these things can come together.
  Kelsi: It's teamwork.
  Graham: Yes, teamwork. Knowledge is always relative. And this is a much smaller world.
  Kelsi: It prove that we already are families.
  Graham: Yes, we already are. I think we are a one world family.
  Kelsi: Yes, I think so, too. Thank you. Thank you for your time.

                                   记 者: 于 洋

  Interview 1
  Kelsi: Good evening! After four days of the presentations and the discussions we have, what's the mainest characteristic of all the papers as a whole?
  Prof. Christopher Johnson: This year, on the whole, more people come here and attend the conference, and it is the first time for some of them, which are different regions. And besides, the scope of research is even wider.
  Kelsi: Do you think that these tentative plans will finally carry out?
  Christopher: Yes, of course. Why not? All these researches are based on survey data.
  Kelsi: I know, I mean, in the near future, or years later?
  Christopher: In the near future, I think. We will practice and perfect our program constantly. Moreover, we have the chance to communicate. We have ISME. It doesn't mean one is better than the other. We just gather here to know more about each other, learn from each other. We all have problems, and that is the effective way to solve them by communication.
  Kelsi: Thank you.

  Interview 2
  于 洋:梁老师您好!您来自中国香港,我看了您的文章,主要关于由粤剧引发的音乐教学思考。粤剧作为中国民族文化博大精深的体现之一,在香港的教学发展并不理想。对此,您认为,目前中国民族音乐教育、研究领域存在哪些欠缺吗?
  于 洋:您今天上午也提到过,中国的音乐教育发展现状并不理想,那您是怎样看待中国音乐教育的的发展前景的?
  梁宝华:我觉得会越来越好,今年就是一个起步,已经有很多老师、教育家知道有这样一个国际会议,这是个很好的开端。希望将来我们会团结起来,更多地参与这样的国际盛会。同时,要提升我们研究的水平,多向国外的杂志投稿,发表我们国内研究的内容和成果。我们都希望能看到中国与外国在音乐教育有那些不同。当我今天讲粤剧的时候,他们都很有兴趣,因为他们也有他们的问题,那就是他们也要教他们本 国的传统音乐,比如葡萄牙有位学者就是呼吁教他们本国的传统音乐,这跟我们很相似。
  于 洋:您刚刚说过,希望政府积极鼓励、引导,教师应多研究,多参与交流。那么对于我们这些在校的学生,您有什么建议吗?
  于 洋:对,昨天的会议讨论也提及过,由于语言的屏障,国际讯息不够迅捷,希望提过一个国际网络信息平台,供各国学者去交流。
  于 洋:好的,谢谢老师!

  Interview 3
  Kelsi: Good evening! Comparing with before, personally, what's the mainest characteristic of all the papers this year?
  Prof. Graham Welch: It's good. The quality is very good. We have got, I think, it's 10 new speakers. So nearly half of people presenting this week, are presenting for the first time. So it's a very new experience. And already you have an idea that at the end of this wonderful week, we have already got a sense of community, being a group. But this research community also includes all of the people here in Changchun. So we have been amazingly impressed by the students, teachers, by how kind you are, by how polite, how helpful. So it's not just been a small group of researchers, at the end of this week, we are a much bigger group, which is what we always hoped happen.
  Kelsi: We are a family.
  Graham: Yeah, absolutely yes. Now we have the Changchun based family which is fantastic. We have a wonderful week.
  Kelsi: We wish you enjoy this trip. And what do you think of the future of music education?
  Graham: Here?
  Kelsi: The research.
  Graham: Research is a journey. It never get the end of it. The more that you research, the more that you discover. And sharing make the journey easier.
  Kelsi: Then what's the main barrier of research?
  Graham: The main barrier is that you think you have the answer. If you think so, you probably wrong. Because you only have a part of answer. But you cannot know everything. But it's possible for us. If we co-work together, then we can begin each of us have a part of the answer, these things can come together.
  Kelsi: It's teamwork.
  Graham: Yes, teamwork. Knowledge is always relative. And this is a much smaller world.
  Kelsi: It prove that we already are families.
  Graham: Yes, we already are. I think we are a one world family.
  Kelsi: Yes, I think so, too. Thank you. Thank you for your time.

                                   记 者: 于 洋









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