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  讲者介绍 — 廖珮岐
  The speaker has a master degree of music therapy graduated from University of Queensland. She doesn’t want to become a piano teacher when she graduated from college of music department. She decided to be a music therapist after her college life. This is what she said in the speech:
  I really like music, I hope my work have a connection with music in my life. It’s about my value in the society. Music therapy helps me to find the value. Many people said music therapist is a job of assisting other people, indeed we and patient benefited each other. I learned a lot from them.
  In the beginning, it’s hard to realize music therapy. I learn many new knowledge like psychology. When I was an intern of therapist, I certainly confirmed that that’s what I want.
  音乐治疗师的工作内容(The Job of Music Therapist)
  Being a music therapist, we usually bring the guitar with a baggage containing instruments depends on the different patients. Therapists treats music as a tool interacting with patients. Playing guitar, keyboard and singing are necessary skills, but the purpose of learning instruments is not becoming a guitar master.
  Music is a media to help people gain the ability of cognition, social interaction, self-explore, rehabilitation and more.
  大众对于音乐治疗的误解(Common Misunderstandings of Music Therapy)
  Q : 可以在家做音乐治疗吗?
  A : 不可以在家自己做音乐治疗,我们可以说听音乐是很疗愈的东西,但不会称作治疗,要做音乐治疗要有音乐治疗师。
  Q : Can I do music therapy at home?
  A : No. We take listening to music as a great and curable way, but we don’t take it as a therapy. It’s necessary to have a therapist when doing music therapy.
  It’s like when you feel sad, you would talk to your friends. After a talk, you may feel better and you wouldn’t take it as a consultation.
  Q : 会音乐的就可以做音乐治疗师吗?
  A : No!!音乐治疗需要有执照,目前台湾尚未有国家级的音乐治疗师证照和科系,只有辅大从2017年开始有音乐学系在职专班音乐治疗组,但方向是偏职能治疗为主。
  那为什么不是会音乐就可以做音乐治疗呢?是因为在学习音乐治疗的过程中不只有学音乐,虽然有一堂课叫music skill,但是除了音乐技巧外还要学习咨商、解剖等知识。如果你念心理系,就要加强音乐能力,音乐系要加强心理学。

  Q :Whether a musician can play instruments, is also can be a music therapist?
  A :No!!Doing music therapy requires a license because it needs to know more knowledge than playing music, like the psychology, dissection, consultation and more knowledge.
  Taiwan doesn’t have a national license or college of music therapy now. In 2017, Fu Jen Catholic University Music Department starts to set up music therapy course in master degree, but the direction is bias to functional therapy.
  In Taiwan, music therapists finished their degree and got licenses from England, Australia, Canada and America. It almost has almost 40 to 50 music therapists have legal licenses. If we count in the people who work abroad, it almost has 100 person working in this field.
  The therapists’ workspace is not only hospital, but also in college, school, clinic or welfare institution.
  Q : 音乐治疗就是听音乐吗?
  A : 不是,治疗大部分的时间在建立个案与治疗师之间的关系,虽然会听音乐,但不是什么都不做,仅仅是听音乐而已。
  音乐治疗里有一个派别叫引导想像音乐治疗学派(Guided Imagery and Music Therapy),简称GIM,这个学派就很常听音乐、做冥想。

  Q : Does music therapy equal to listening to music?
  A : No. In the process of therapy, therapist spends time on building the relationship with the patient.
  There is a branch in music therapy called Guided Imagery and Music Therapy, the abbreviation is GIM which applying the way of listening to music and mediations very often.
  We often see some liars using this method to cheat people. Be aware of the events you attend about music therapy, checking the background, license and professional firstly. To avoid the dangers.
  Q : 音乐治疗就是教音乐吗?
  A : 音乐治疗与音乐教育的不同在于目的性,音乐教育是教会你某一项技能,比如学钢琴。音乐治疗的目的在建立社会互动、心理、肢体、认知,让人们有更好的生活品质(quality of life)。

  Q : Does music therapy equal to music education?
  A : The difference of music therapy and education is the purposes. The purpose of education is teaching you an ability, like playing piano. The purpose of music therapy is enhancing patients’ social interaction, psychology, physical, cognition and quality of life.
  Take a chorus of music therapy as example, the age of members almost between 18 to 45. Their sound is like child. Practicing a song takes a very long time.
  Once a time, speaker and chorus members have a conversion of their dreams, they want to have a job. They want somebody know him and also eager to realize themselves like every person.
  In this situation, the purpose of chorus is not performing an amazing show and great music. During the process, they learn how to respect other people’s opinion and living in a group. It’s a great way to become better.
  Q : 音乐治疗的对象都是小朋友吗?
  A : 近几年的媒体大多将音乐与自闭症连结在一起,可能是因为有许多自闭症的孩子对音乐的反应是很好的,但并不是每个自闭症的孩子都可以成为音乐家,像「小小鼓手」那么出色,媒体大多都只报导能力很好的。
  接受治疗的对象可以从0~100岁,像有治疗师的专长是早产儿,有些擅长7 岁前或是成人身心障碍:

  Q : Who are the major patients of music therapy? Are they children?
  A : Music therapy is not limited to age. Every therapist has different target group. Some of them good at adult disability or premature baby.
  Here is a list of age group of music therapy:
  Child(elementary school or younger):disability, orphans
  Teenage(junior high school to college):disability, domestic violence
  Adult:disability, pressure relief, self-growth, supporting group(people who have the same events and supporting each other, like foreign spouse, family member of disability, domestic violence and sexual assault)
  Elder:dementia, disability
  Others: cancer, mental illness









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